Augustus Caesar (born Gaius Octavius; 23 September 63 BC — 19 August AD 14), adopted son of Julius Caesar, was creator of the Roman Empire.

Andrew Brown
1 min readAug 5, 2023

“August”, a word that means “inspiring reverence or admiration,” is the name of the eighth month of the year in our Gregorian calendar. It’s the sixth month of the ancient Roman calendar used by the Roman kingdom and republic. Back then, the month of August was known as Sextilus, Latin for “sixth month.” In 8 BCE, the month was named in honor of Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor.

Some insights from Augustus that still ring true today…

“Practice, the master of all things.”

“Whatever is done well enough is done quickly enough.”

“I have never been over concerned or obsessed with opinion polls or popularity polls. I think a leader who is, is a weak leader.”

“If you want rainbow, you have to deal with the rain.”

“To seek to keep the established constitution unchanged argues a good citizen and a good man.”

“I rebuilt the Capitol and the theater of Pompey, each work at enormous cost, without any inscription of my name.”

Salve Augustus!



Andrew Brown

Andy is CTO of Fintech Innvovation Lab, CEO of Sand Hill East and Board member at Zscaler, Pure Storage, Moogsoft, Digital Asset and Skyhive. Advisor to many!